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Northern Virginia Ethical Society

"Act so as to bring out the best in others, and thereby in yourself"
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Welcome to NoVES!

We are a humanist congregation that practices Ethical Culture, a movement begun in 1876 by Felix Adler.

The mission of the Northern Virginia Ethical Society is to bring out the best in others and thereby in ourselves, strengthen our relationships with one another, and build a more humane world by offering a program that promotes ethical growth and learning, builds and sustains community and implements ethical action beyond our Society.

We invite you to visit us on a Sunday morning.  You might find the kind of caring, welcoming community you didn't even know was out there - just waiting for you to become part of it!

  The American Ethical Union (AEU)

NoVES affiliates with the AEU along with more than 20 other Societies across the country from New York to Silicone Valley. 

Each of these Societies share the culture of Ethical Humanism and work to implement Humanist values in their communities.  

The AEU is administered by a Board of Directors, and has an office in New York City, with one staff Administrator.

More information at 

A Board of Directors represent all the member societies, and members are elected for two year terms at the Annual Assembly held each summer.  

The 2025 AEU Assembly will be in Philadelphia July 25 - July 27, meeting at the Philadelphia Ethical Society. More information will follow about this important gathering. 

The AEU has recently created a roadmap for reorganizing and refocusing it's work. 

The roadmap project is explained in this video 

   NoVES  supports fair and equal treatment for all people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation.   We take positions based on the way they impact those people. 

   We are not powerless in this moment, even if it feels that way. We are not alone. We have community and that community has power.  We can keep fighting and building knowing we're doing it as part of a committed network of people who will not comply in advance, who will not normalize this violence, who will band together to resist when the times seem bleak.

Economic Boycotts:  Please consider joining all of these actions. 

March 5 - April 20    40 day boycott of Target to align with Lent when Christians often “give up” something.  Target “gave up” DEIA initiatives

April 7-14   boycott  Walmart  (Largest retailer & changed DEIA policies)

April 21 - 28   7 day boycott of General Mills - another hard one


     Two ways to support LGBTQA RIGHTS:

 1.  From Pride Liberation Project: 

Help us stand up to our new bullies by rallying at the FCPS school board meeting on March 27th. For each other. For all of us.

RSVP link:  


American Atheists concurrently with the AEU has released a google form that every interested person can sign and express outrage at the incoming government administration and the dangerous actions this movement has made to anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and policies a cornerstone of their agenda.

Sign the pledge of support here:


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New Bylaws Adopted Oct 18, 2020

At our General Membership Meeting on Oct 18, the members present approved changes to the Bylaws that reflect our more gender inclusive attitude. You can view this updated version of our Bylaws in the Members only section.  

Volunteers Needed

  • Do you enjoy weddings? Consider being a NoVES officiant. Contact Randy Best if interested.
  • Do you have time to spare to deliver a meal, provide a ride, or just be a companion to a fellow member in need? If so, contact Iris Woodard with the Caring Committee.
  • Want to learn more about our website? Do you have a passion for mass emails? Please follow up with the Communications Committee to join our web team! 

Directions to Sunday Platform

Green Hedges School

415 Windover Avenue NW

Vienna, VA

Driving Directions: Take the Nutley Street North exit from Route I-66.  At the fourth light, cross Maple Avenue (Route 123) and start watching your odometer.  At 0.2 miles, you will see a driveway with “Watch for Turning Vehicles” and “Green Hedges” signs.  There will also be an Ethical Society sign next to the driveway.  Turn right into the driveway, park in the lot, and take the nearest entrance into the building. Do not turn onto Windover.

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