March Forward in March!
With spring around the corner, March feels like a great time to start marching forward with our lives. For some of us, that might be literally joining in something like the DC March for Science on March 7, but for others it may be marching to our own drummer and doing what we can to make this world a better place. Whether it is participating in a stream clean up, planting seeds to grow spring flowers, or writing post cards to remind our government officials of important topics, each person's contribution can make a difference in our community and world. My hope is that we will continue to march forward together as an Ethical Society, in whatever ways we can.
For me, I find great comfort in joining others in marches as it strengthens my spirit to see so many people united for an important cause. If you want to join in the DC March for Science on March 7 with other NoVES members and friends, please sign up on the Noves webpage or RSVP to me at More information about where we will meet for this event in DC will be coming ASAP, so please check the page for updates!
From your president,
Chris Van Dyke