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Northern Virginia Ethical Society (NoVES)

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Twilight of American Democracy - a Platform Randy Best, NoVES Leader

  • Sunday, November 06, 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Twilight of American Democracy

American Democracy, despite its flaws, was once seen as a model for the world.  No more.  On the cusp of a mid-term election, America’s voting process is under unprecedented assault.  State and local election officials are being driven from office by supporters spouting the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen.  Voting systems are being replaced with unreliable, unwieldly processes that will create chaos allowing State Legislatures to determine election results.   The results of the mid-term elections, and how election results are handled, will chart the future course of American Democracy.  How did we get here?  What can we do about it?  There were be an opportunity for those in attendance to express their views.

This will be a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting.

zoom link

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