NoVES Winter Festival
Our 2022 Winter Festival will be a virtual meeting at our usual time of 11:00 AM.
The theme for our 2022 Winter Festival will be Light and Dark. Looking back on 2021, there were moments of darkness as well as events that brought light into our lives. At our Winter Festival you will have an opportunity to share your reflections on Light and Dark.
We are looking for volunteers to bring Light and Dark themed stories, poems, music, and other reflections to share at our meeting. There will also be opportunities for everyone to share personal reflections about Light and Dark in 2021.
Please contact Randy Best if you have stories, poems, music, and other reflections to contribute to our meeting (leader@noves.org).
Be sure to have a lunch handy. After our sharing, we will adjourn to small break-out groups for eating “together” and conversation.
Join our Zoom Meeting on Sunday, January 9th at 11:00.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.