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Northern Virginia Ethical Society (NoVES)

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Platform Colloquy

  • Sunday, August 15, 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • zoom


"Colloquy is a more formal  sharing of one’s thoughts on a chosen theme without the expectation of a response. The theme consists of a reading, an overarching Question and a Parable. Participants are expected to reflect and respond but always have the option of “passing.” It works best in a meditative or reflective environment where people can share their thoughts honestly and openly.

For this reason, we find that late comers to the zoom meeting can be disruptive to the experience of others.  We ask that you try to arrive at the meetings as close to 11:00 AM as possible.  Late comers may not be admitted to the zoom meeting depending on  whether colloquy is underway (or has started.) 

Meeting ID   886 5126 5549

Passcode  521042

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