NoVES Saturday at the Movies
When: Saturday, March 20th, 2021 7:00 – 9:45 PM, EDT
Mank (2020) R [Biography, Comedy, Drama]
The next NoVES Movie Series Discussion event will be held this Saturday.
This is a movie showing via Zoom followed by a discussion. It will start
by broadcasting the movie so that we may watch it together. The movie
itself is 2 hour 11 minutes.
This movie is available on NETFLIX. If you have already seen the movie, you may join the Zoom Meeting at around 9:15 PM to participate in the discussion.
EVENT DETAILS: Mank (2020) R
I thought that it would be fun to take a look at another Oscar nominated movie. For all you Citizen Cane fans out there I offer Mank. – Randy
IMDB includes this summary of the movie:
1940. Film studio RKO hires 24-year-old wunderkind Orson Welles under a contract that gives him full creative control of his movies. For his first film, he calls in washed-up alcoholic Herman J Mankiewicz to write the screenplay. That film is "Citizen Kane," and this is the story of how it was written. Written by grantss
The Zoom link for the movie showing is included below. I look forward to showing this movie and the discussion.
Randy Best (he,him) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NoVES Saturday at the Movies
Time: Mar 20, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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