A Winter Solstice Resolution on Peace and Non-Violence
On Tuesday, the 22nd of December, from 7 to 8:30 PM NoVES members will gather to celebrate the first day after the Winter Solstice by shedding a little light on the myths surrounding American militarism and to discuss productive things that we can do to build a more peaceful world.
NoVES is pleased to announce that David Swanson, the founder and Executive Director of World BEYOND War will be able to join us. He will lead off the meeting by describing the history of World BEYOND War and its alliances with other organizations. Towards the end of our meeting, he will offer practical suggestions of actions members can take to fight militarism and to build a more peaceful world.
We will decide whether to recommend to the membership, that NoVES, as an organization, support the Peace Pledge of the world wide, decentralized group of activists in World BEYOND War:
We understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. We commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.
Andrew Orlans and Randy Best will be leading this event.
Here is the Zoom invitation for this meeting:
NoVa Ethical-Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Winter Solstice and a Resolution on Peace and Non-Violence
Time: Dec 22, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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