NoVES Friday Evening at the Movies

When: Friday, November 6, 2020 7:00 – 10:00 PM, EDT
I wanted to find a movie that in some ways reflected the weird political time that we are experiencing. I found one - Randy
The next NoVES Movie Series Discussion event will be held this Friday.
This is a movie showing via Zoom followed by a discussion. It will start by broadcasting the movie so that we may watch it together. The movie itself is 2 hours 10 minutes long.
If you have already seen the movie, you may join the Zoom Meeting a little after 9:20 PM to join the discussion.
EVENT DETAILS: Being There (1979)
Need a break from the Election blues? Come lift your spirits with this insightful comedy.
IMDB includes this summary of the movie:
Being There
Being There is a film about a simple-minded gardener, played by Peter Sellers who's entire adult life was gardening for an elderly gentleman and watching television. When the old man dies, Chauncey is left homeless and on his own. Due to his past recluse surroundings he is unaware of the everyday technology, such as telephones, elevators etc., which leads to some comical situations. He is saved from the streets, by a wealthy woman, Eve Rand, played by Shirley MacLean, when her limo backs into him she takes him home to be treated by her dying husband’s physician Dr. Allenby played by Richard Dysort. Everyone mistakes Chauncey's simple mutterings as profound insight and wisdom. Benjamin Rand played by Melvin Douglas is a wealthy influential business tycoon who is well connected in politics and a personal friend of the President, played by Jack Warden, who also mistake Chauncey’s simple utterances as insightful.
Although the film is comical at times, it is also very sad, as Chauncey lacks awareness of what's going on around him most of the time.
The filming and directing is good and the film moves along with a good pace, and is very entertaining and a must see for all Peter Sellers fans. Perhaps Peter Sellers’ best film.
The Zoom link for the movie showing and discussion is included below.
I look forward to showing this movie and the discussion.
Randy Best is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NoVES Friday Evening at the Movies
Time: Nov 6, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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