NoVES Friday Night at the Movies
When: Friday, October 30, 2020 7:00 – 9:30 PM, EDT

Sorry that I am late in getting this message out. I was laid low by a
stomach bug but am beginning to feel better now. - Randy
The next NoVES Movie Series Discussion event will be held this Friday.
This is a movie showing via Zoom followed by a discussion. It will start
by broadcasting the movie so that we may watch it together. The movie
itself is 1 hour 43 minutes.
If you have already seen the movie, you may join the Zoom Meeting a little after 8:40 PM to join the discussion.
EVENT DETAILS: Election (1999) R
I was looking for something timely and Election fit the bill.
IMDB includes this summary of the movie:
"You see, you can't interfere with destiny, that's why it's destiny. And if you try to interfere, the same thing's just going to happen anyway, and you'll just suffer."
Election is Alexander Payne's sophomore film and many consider it to be his best work since it uses some slick and witty dark humor to make a satirical political comedy. Payne manages to mix this political satire with High School life by using the school elections as a metaphor for American politics and in doing so the film is rather successful. Just like that famous short essay written by Robert Fulghum "All I Really Need to Learn I Learned in Kindergarten" where he claims that if we stuck to the basic rules we learned in kindergarten we would live in a better society, here Payne compares politics to High School elections and shows how corrupt the system actually can be and how selfish these people are. The dirty campaigns all begin in High School and these people seem to be doing things for themselves rather than to help others. I think this is what works best in Payne's ambitious film. One of the things that Payne does best is create interesting characters and that is why the actors give engaging performances because they have a lot to work with. These characters are usually dislikable, but somehow, we end up routing for one despite all their flaws. Reese Witherspoon's character is so annoying that we actually want Matthew Broderick to succeed despite all the immoral acts he is committing. They both give strong performances,
The Zoom link for the movie showing and discussion is included below.
I look forward to showing this movie and the discussion.
Randy Best is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Movie Showing and Discussion: ELECTION
Time: Oct 30, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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