Anti-Racism Book Discussions
A challenge to every member of the Ethical Movement: read one more book to educate yourself about racial justice and anti-racism, in the community of others who also value ethical living. The goal of the project is to create a firmer foundation for the anti-racism work we do, as individuals and as members of Ethical Societies. Anti-racism work can be about individual growth and action, action as an Ethical Society, or a look at our own institutions.
We have multiple opportunities, from Wed. September 23 to Thu. October 29. The challenge is to pick one, register for it, read the book, and then participate in the community dialogue via Zoom. Some are more than one session. Some are led by professional Leaders and some by lay members of Ethical Societies.
In each one, we expect that you bring an open mind and an open heart, a commitment to understanding what the author is trying to say before critiquing their view, and a commitment to understanding what your fellow participants are saying more than arguing with them.
Click here for Google Doc with schedule and links to books
Click here to register for one or more discussions