For questions, further information and suggestions for other books we might read contact Andrew Orlans at “orlansandrew@gmail.com” or 540-364-3366.
As part of the Adult Enrichment program Andrew Orlans is starting a book club. This was inspired by the movie Margaretha suggested for one of our ZOOM discussions—“The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”. The first book we will be reading is “Names on the Land: A Historical Account of Place-Naming in the United States, revised and enlarged edition with illustrations” by George R. Stewart, Houghton Mifflin, 1958. This book is not on the internet but copies may be purchased from ABE.com for about $8 including postage. It is 500 pages so you are urged to get your copy soon in order to be able to read it at a leisurely pace before the meetings. Participants will share their favorite passages and may also talk more about place names they have known and loved.
There will be a virtual meeting about the book for those not wanting to meet in person. The zoom call will be on Tues July 14 at 6 pm.
Book discussion. - Names on the Land,
Time: Jul 14, 2020 6:00 PM Eastern Time
Meeting ID: 886 5261 2158
Password: 649996