Something what brought to our attention recently and that is that the NoVES Board meetings used to have an invite to all members in the newsletter. Somewhere along the line in the last couple years, that custom got dropped. Can I blame COVID-19, because I think that is the main reason the announcement got dropped?
The NoVES board meets approximately once a month. Recently it has been on the third Saturday of the month at 10 via Zoom. While the meeting is open to everyone, there is always an executive session for Board members only. 99% of the time this is a formality so that we make sure to have it, but it is a time when sensitive topics might be brought up that we would want to limit the audience usually to protect the privacy of someone.
So, with that said, Saturday at 10am until 1pm is the scheduled board meeting for NoVES.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 862 5043 5076
Passcode: 885527